CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年11月7日版(1)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年11月7日版(1)




原典:Carbon Capture Journal


Wood社は、持続可能なCCUSプロジェクトを加速させるため、CO2仕様に関する産業ガイドラインを作成するための共同産業パートナーシップ (Joint Industry PartnershipJIP)を主導している。


Wood社のコンサルティング担当代表取締役社長(Executive President for Consulting)であるAzad Hessamodini氏は、「CO2仕様設定のためのこれらのガイドラインを共有することで、業界に貢献できることを誇りに思う。これらのガイドラインは、運営上のリスクを最小化しながら、安全で効果的なプロジェクトの設計を支援することとなる」と述べた。






Industry developing guidelines for impure CO2 handling


Published: 19 October 2024

Source: Carbon Capture Journal


Wood is leading a Joint Industry Partnership (JIP) to create industry guidelines for CO2 specifications to accelerate sustainable CCUS projects.

The guidelines are the first of their kind to focus on the impact of impurities in CO2 across the entire CCUS value chain. The findings aim to accelerate the pace and growth of the CCUS industry by creating a CO2 conditioning standard to meet safety, environmental, technical and operational requirements.

Azad Hessamodini, Executive President for Consulting at Wood, said, “We are proud to contribute to the industry by sharing these guidelines for setting CO2 specifications. These guidelines will support the safe and effective design of projects while minimizing operational risks.”

Wood established the JIP to collate industry research and the experiences of operators currently operating in the CCUS space to determine the effects of impure CO2 in existing carbon capture chains. The findings from this collaboration determined the negative impact impurities from CO2 capture can cause from transportation through to storage and eventual usage.


