CCS in the news 日本語版 2024年5月7日版(5)

CCS in the news 日本語版 2024年5月7日版(5)






2024年4月18日、欧州委員会は、環境・気候行動プログラム(Programme for Environment and Climate Action:LIFE)の下、気候変動緩和及び適応(Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation)分野において新しい提案募集を開始し、炭素除去、CO2回収・利用・貯留及びCCSのための小規模で革新的な産業ソリューションのために新しい資金を準備しました。


LIFEプログラムの目的は、欧州グリーンディール(European Green Deal)の目標達成のための活動を支援することです。最近発表された気候変動緩和優先分野(Climate Change Mitigation Priority Area)の下での提案募集は、社会的に公正で、持続可能なEUの気候中立に向けた移行に貢献し、EUの野心的な気候目標を支援することが可能な幅広いプロジェクトを歓迎しています。










CCS普及を支援するためにEUレベルで提供される資金に関して更に知りたい場合は、インスティテュートの新しい報告書「From Proposal to Reality: How EU Funds Can Help Jump-Start CCS Projects(提案から実現へ:EU資金はCCSプロジェクトの活性化をいかに支援できるか)」をご覧ください。同報告書は、Ciaotech-PNOグループとの提携の下、インスティテュートによって作成されたものです。



Latest News

European Commission Makes New Funds Available for Carbon Management Under the LIFE Programme

Published: 29 April 2024

Source: Global CCS Institute


On 18 April 2024, the European Commission launched a new call for proposal in the field of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation under the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE), making new funds available to small-scale and innovative industrial solutions for carbon removal, carbon capture and use and/or storage.


The purpose of the LIFE programme is to support activities aimed at advancing the objectives of the European Green Deal. The recently announced call for proposal under the Climate Change Mitigation Priority Area welcomes a wide range of projects able to contribute to a socially just and sustainable EU’s transition towards climate neutrality and support the Union’s ambitious climate goals.


Out of the total call budget allocated under the sub-programme ‘Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’, which amounts to approximately €62 million, €28.5 million will be made available to support small-scale and innovative projects in the field of carbon management.


Up to 12 projects will be able to receive €1-5 million that can be used to cover up to 60% of their costs.


The call for proposal will be open until the 17th of September 2024 and information on the evaluation results will be made available in March 2025.


Read more here


To learn more about the funds available at EU level to support CCS deployment, check out our new report titled “From Proposals to Reality: How EU Funds Can Help Jump-Start CCS Projects”. The report was developed by the Institute in partnership with Ciaotech-PNO Group

