材料科学企業のPartanna Global社が特許を持つコンクリート製造プロセスのCO2除去性能を加速することを目的として、同社はサウジアラビア・アブドラ王立科学技術大学(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology:KAUST)と研究開発パートナーシップを締結した。
この研究開発協力期間は12か月と設定されており、Partanna社製品の環境保護的及び構造的利点を最大化するため、Partanna社独自の製法とKAUSTの直接空気回収(Direct Air Capture:DAC)技術を統合させる。
Partanna and KAUST to advance ‘superfast’ CO2 absorbing materials
Published: 7 July 2024
Source: Carbon Capture Journal
Materials science company Partanna Global has entered a research and development partnership with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), aimed at accelerating the CO2 removal properties of the company’s patented process for producing concrete.
The R&D collaboration is set to last 12 months and will integrate Partanna’s exclusive formula with KAUST’s Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology to maximize the ecological and structural advantages of Partanna’s product.
Partanna said its Concrete ‘breathes like a tree’, pulling CO2 directly from the atmosphere over its lifecycle, while avoiding emissions during production.
Partanna’s process requires no Portland Cement, a material responsible for 9% of the world’s CO2 emissions, instead using a binder made from natural and recycled materials that are available throughout the Kingdom, including brine.