CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年8月29日版(3)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年8月29日版(3)

Chevron社、豪州沖合の温室効果ガス貯留鉱区探査許可(Greenhouse Gas Assessment Permit)でCCSポートフォリオを構築





Chevron Corporation社は、同社の子会社であるChevron Australia New Ventures Pty Ltd社(Chevron社)を通じて、西オーストラリア州沖合の温室効果ガス貯留鉱区探査許可(Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Assessment Permits)を獲得した。同許可の取得によりChevron社は、成長を続ける世界に低炭素エネルギーを安全に供給するという戦略を実現するための更なる機会を得る。


同許可は、オペレーターであるChevron社とWoodside Energy Ltd社の合弁事業に関わる。Chevron社は同許可の70%の参加権益を保有し、Woodside社は30%の参加権益を保有する。Chevron社は、許可における同社の持分の5%を韓国のGS Caltex社(GSC社)に売却することに合意した。GSC社の同許可への参入は、規制当局の承認等が条件となる。




Chevron Builds on CCS Portfolio With Greenhouse Gas Assessment Permit Offshore Australia


Published: 22 August 2024

Source: AFP


Chevron Corporation, through its subsidiary Chevron Australia New Ventures Pty Ltd (Chevron), has been awarded a greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment permit offshore Western Australia. The permit award provides further opportunity for Chevron to deliver on its strategy of safely delivering lower carbon energy to a growing world.

The G-18-AP permit is offshore from Onslow, Western Australia and covers an area of approximately 8,467 km2 with water depths of 50-1100m. The permit area will be evaluated as part of a hub for storing third party emissions, including those from Chevron’s operated LNG assets.

The permit involves a joint venture with Chevron as operator, and Woodside Energy Ltd. Chevron will hold a 70% participating interest in the permit, and Woodside will hold a 30% participating interest. Chevron has agreed to farm down five percent of its equity in the permit to GS Caltex (GSC) of Korea. GSC’s entry into the permit is conditional on regulatory approvals and other matters.




