インドネシアのCCUS及びCCSに関する能力を強化するため、タングー生産分与契約(Tangguh Production Sharing Contract:PSC)のオペレーターとしてBP Berau社と、インドネシア・バンドン工科大学(Bandung Institute of Technology:ITB)が今日(7月31日日)、CCUSの研究開発を前進させるための協力協定(Cooperation Agreement、以下「協定」)を締結した。
協定は、インドネシア・ジャカルタで2024年7月31日に開催された国際・インドネシアCCSフォーラム(International & Indonesia CCS Forum:IICCS)2024の初日に、bp社アジア太平洋ガス・低炭素エネルギー担当地域社長(regional president Asia Pacific, gas and low carbon energy)であるKathy Wu氏及びITB研究・革新担当副学長(vice rector for research and innovation)のI Gede Wenten教授(博士)によって署名された。
実現可能性調査に加え、協定はタングーがITBの修士課程及び博士課程の学生に提供する特定の奨学金や、ITB CCS/CCUS研究センター(ITB Centre of Excellence for CCS and CCUS)のインフラに対する支援の詳細を提示している。協定の期間は署名日から6年間であり、両者が合意すれば延長が可能である。
Bp Building up CCUS, CCS Competence in Indonesia
Published: 2 August 2024
Source: Energy Monitor Worldwide
Enhancing Indonesias CCUS and CCS capabilities, BP Berau Ltd as the operator of TangguhProduction Sharing Contract (PSC) — and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) signed today a Cooperation Agreement (the Agreement) to advance research and development of CCUS.
The Agreement was signed by Kathy Wu, bp regional president Asia Pacific, gas and low carbon energy and Prof. I Gede Wenten, Ph.D., ITB vice rector for research and innovation, on the first day of the International & Indonesia CCS Forum (IICCS) 2024 in Jakarta on 31 July 2024.
This Agreement covers feasibility studies that aim to support the Tangguh CCUS Project and the development of Tangguh CCS hub and marks the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding that both parties signed in October 2023.
In addition to the feasibility studies, the Agreement also details certain scholarships Tangguh will provide for ITB Masters and Ph.D. students, and support for infrastructure for the ITB Centre of Excellence for CCS and CCUS. The Agreement is for the term of six years from the date of signing and may be extended as agreed by both parties.
With the Tangguh CCUS and CCS hub projects, we aim to serve as a test model for future CCS projects in Indonesia and Asia Pacific. Collaboration with prominent education institutions like ITB is crucial to help move the projects forward, advance CCS/CCUS implementation in Indonesia and support the countrys energy security and emissions reduction agenda, said Kathy.