CCS in the News 日本語版 2025年1月15日版(2)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2025年1月15日版(2)




原典:The Guardian(英国ロンドン)


Woodside Energy社は、数十億ドル規模のブラウズ(Browse)プロジェクトから排出されるCO2を年間400万トン豪州西オーストラリア州沖合の海底下に貯留することを提案した。








Greens attack Woodside proposal to bury CO2 from WA gas project under pristine reef


Published: 10 January 2025

Source: The Guardian (London)


Woodside Energy has proposed burying 4m tonnes of CO2 a year from its multibillion-dollar Browse project in undersea storage off the coast of Western Australia.


The federal environment department published the offshore carbon capture and storage plans on 2 January for two weeks of public consultation before it determines whether the proposal requires an environmental assessment.


The federal and WA Greens have criticised the timing of the consultation during the summer holiday period and called on the government to extend it.


