「CO2回収等のカーボンマネジメント技術は、化石エネルギー利用やセメント製造のような主要な工業プロセスからの排出量を大幅に削減できる」と同省化石エネルギー・カーボンマネジメント次官補(Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management)であるBrad Crabtree氏は述べた。「試験センターに出資することで、我々は最終的に汚染削減と雇用創出につながるCO2回収・変換・除去技術の商業規模展開における障壁を減らすことに貢献している」。
DOE invests $101M to establish CCUS test centres
Published: 16 January 2025
Source: Carbon Capture Journal
Five projects will help establish test centres to cost-effectively research and evaluate technologies to capture and convert carbon dioxide into products from utility and industrial sources or remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The five projects will support the development of CO2 capture, removal, and conversion test centres for cement manufacturing facilities and power plants.
“Carbon management technologies such as carbon capture can significantly reduce emissions from fossil energy use and key industrial processes, like cement production,” said Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. “By investing in test centers, we are helping reduce barriers to commercial scale deployment of carbon capture, conversion, and removal technologies that will ultimately help reduce pollution and create jobs.”
Establishing test centres of various sizes that use varying feedstocks from different industries can help establish and improve the efficacy and performance of carbon capture technologies.