CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年6月28日版(3)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年6月28日版(3)




原典:Manifold Times


DNV社は、ALグループ及びそのシンガポール法人であるAsiatic Lloyd Maritime社と2023年11月、新造されるAl社の7,100TEU型コンテナ船及びばら積み貨物船Kamsarmax(カムサマックス)における船上CCSの実現可能性を調査する共同開発プロジェクト(Joint Development Project:JDP)を締結した。


DNV社は今年初め、シンガポールを拠点とする海運会社であるSDTR Marine社の85,000dwt(重量トン)規模ばら積み貨物船Kamsarmaxにおける船上CCS(OCCS)の実現可能性調査について協力するもう1つのJDPを、SDTR Marine社と締結した。





Decarbonizing Asian shipping: The potential of Onboard Carbon Capture


Published: 24 June 2024

Source: Manifold Times


DNV entered into a Joint Development Project (JDP) with AL Group and its Singapore company Asiatic Lloyd Maritime LLP in November 2023 to explore the feasibility of CCS on board AL’s 7,100TEU containership and Kamsarmax bulk carrier newbuildings.

Under the JDP, DNV will cooperate with AL on a techno economic study of CCS on board the vessels using DNVs FuelPath to assess the economic potential of the different fuel and technology strategies.

Earlier this year, we entered into another JDP, this time with the Singapore-based shipping company SDTR Marine to cooperate on an Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage (OCCS) feasibility study for the latter’s 85,000 dwt Kamsarmax bulk carrier.

DNV, through its work with other stakeholders and through these JDPs, will make sure it addresses the extremely important economic viability of OCCS and take care of all operational and safety issues at the same time.


