The Rise of CCS in Denmark
29th March 2022
日本時間 2022年03月29日(火) 23:00開催
10:00 EDT (WASHINGTON DC) | 14:00 GMT (LONDON) | 15:00 CET (BRUSSELS) | 18:00 GST (ABU DHABI)
With ambitious climate targets, combined with significant CO2 storage potential, Denmark is steadily pursuing CCS as part of its climate change mitigation plans. In December 2021, the Danish government and several political parties reached an agreement to provide EUR 2.2bn (DKK 16bn) for the development of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) projects, following an earlier government announcement to fund two CO2 storage initiatives to the tune of $41 million. As supportive policy development gets matched with funding, industry players in the country are beginning to approach CCS as both a business strategy and an emissions mitigation effort. Join the Institute on Tuesday, March 29th we discuss the future of CCS in Denmark, with experts in the field.
- Thor Iversen – Head of Division, Government of Denmark, Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities
- Dr. Philip Fosbol – Associate Professor, Technical University of Denmark
- Jacob H. Simonsen – Managing Director at ARC and Founding Member of C4 Copenhagen