Carbon Removal with CCS Technologies
26th January 2021
With the transition to a low-carbon economy steadily underway, CCS is becoming recognised as a tool that compliments the wide array of climate approaches being utilised to reach climate neutrality. The role of emission reductions and removals in the mitigation of climate change will change over time. It is widely agreed that emission reductions should be prioritised on the pathway to net zero. This, however, will change once net zero emissions are achieved; net zero is a point on the journey, not the final destination. Carbon removal will become the main driver of climate ambition in the second half of the century.
In this brief, Senior Policy Advisor with the Global CCS Institute, Eve Tamme, explains the dual role of CCS in climate change mitigation, and provides an overview of the two technological carbon removal approaches that use CCS: bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) and direct air capture with carbon storage (DACCS). Along with highlighting the varied applications of CCS, this brief also includes a summary of ongoing challenges and opportunities tied to carbon removal related policy development.
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