- 2030年に向けた船舶によるCO2輸送の欧州市場のマッピング
- 船舶によるCO2輸送の相互運用性の評価
- 船舶によるCO2輸送の商業化における障壁及び実現要因の特定
Achieving a European market for CO2 transport by ship
Published: 09 January 2024
Source: Carbon Capture Journal
The CCSA and ZEP have joined forces to identify barriers and enablers and provide recommendations to European policymakers to support the development of this market.
The report aims to provide policymakers with clear policy and technical recommendations, focusing on:
- Mapping the European market for CO2transport by ship for 2030.
- Assessing the interoperability of CO2transport by ship.
- Identifying barriers and enablers for the commercialisation of CO2transport by ship.
Based on a review of projects currently under development, it is estimated that up to 39.5 million tonnes of CO2 could be transported per year by 2030.