Developing CCUS Projects in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast
18th November - 19th November 2020
Day1:2020年11月18日(水)04:00 - 07:00(JST)
Day2:2020年11月19日(木)00:00 - 02:30(JST)
現地開催日:November 17 - 18, 2020(CST)
The momentum and vital need for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies has never been greater. In August 2020, Louisiana’s governor signed an executive order setting a state goal for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. With a strong industrial base and the 5th highest CO2 emissions per capita within the US, Louisiana needs CCUS to meet its decarbonization targets and keep its industrial economy competitive.
The state government of Louisiana has prioritized support for CCUS and the development of a carbon management economy. It was one of the first states to assume liability for sequestered CO2 post well-closure and it plans to be the third state to have state primacy to approve Class VI well permits. With strong geology and business experience in the oil & gas sector, Louisiana is poised to be a leader in CCUS with the 45Q tax credit now making CCUS projects profitable. Meanwhile, all across the Gulf Coast corridor, onshore and offshore project possibilities are being explored.
Business leaders and experts in capture technology, geology, transportation infrastructure, economics, and project development will provide webinar participants with a deep dive into the economics of the 45Q tax credit, and guidance on how to execute a CCUS project in the state of Louisiana and across the Gulf Coast.
This event is targeted at facility owners and key business partners across energy, industrial, and fuel pathways who see reducing carbon emissions as both a business opportunity and the right thing to do.
*If you are unable to attend the live Webinar, please register to receive an email with the recording after the event.
Day 1
日本時間: 2020年11月18日(水)04:00 - 07:00(JST)
現地時間:November 17:1:00 - 4:00 PM (CST)
• Secretary Tom Harris, Cabinet Secretary, Department of Natural Resources, LA
• Keith Tracy, Principal, Elysian Ventures
• Elizabeth Abramson, Research Analyst, Great Plains Institute
• Dan Cole, Denbury, Vice President of Commercial Development and Government Relations
• John Kruse, Vice President, Kiewit
• Anthony Cottone, Senior Director, Strategic Development, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures
Day 2
日本時間: 2020年11月18日(木)00:00 - 02:30(JST)
現地時間:November 18:9:00 - 11:30 AM (CST)
• Hunter Johnston, Partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP
• Lee Stockwell, General Manager – US Carbon Capture & Storage
• Jason Lanclos, Director, State Energy Office, LA
• Keith Tracy, Principal, Elysian Ventures