CCS in the news 日本語版 2023年10月26日版(1)

CCS in the news 日本語版 2023年10月26日版(1)

ポーランドBarbara実験鉱床の炭層に水平坑井を通じてCO2 を圧入








CO2 Injection via a Horizontal Well into the Coal Seam at the Experimental Mine Barbara in Poland


Published: 23 October 2023

Source: MDPI

This study investigates the potential of coal seams for CO2 sequestration through in situ tests. The in situ tests, performed at Experimental Mine Barbara in Mikołów, Poland, involved injecting CO2 through a horizontal well into a coal seam, with variable well lengths and injection parameters. The objective was to examine the correlation between the CO2 injection rate and the coal–CO2 contact area, monitoring for any potential leakage.



