CCS in the news 日本語版 2023年12月7日版(3)

CCS in the news 日本語版 2023年12月7日版(3)

CO2回収議論が激しさを増す中、 UAEが岩石にCO2を圧入



原典:Yahoo! News UK and Ireland



オマーン湾にあるこの新しいサイトは、国営石油大手ADNOC社が出資しており、同社のCEOであるSultan Al Jaber氏は、国連COP28気候会議の議長であると共に、再生可能エネルギー会社Masdar社の会長でもある。





UAE to pump CO2 into rock as carbon capture debate rages


Published: 29 November 2023

Source: Yahoo! News UK and Ireland

High in remote mountains in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, a new plant will soon take atmospheric CO2 and pump it into rock — part of controversial attempts to target planet-heating emissions without abandoning fossil fuels.

Using novel technology developed by Omani start-up 44.01, the solar-powered plant will suck carbon dioxide from the air, dissolve it in seawater and inject it deep underground, where it will mineralise over a period of months.

The new site on the Gulf of Oman is funded by state oil giant ADNOC, whose CEO Sultan Al Jaber is president of the UN’s COP28 climate talks and chairman of Masdar, a renewable energies company.

The first CO2 injection is expected during COP28 which starts on Thursday in nearby Dubai, and where the debate over hydrocarbons will be a key battle between campaigners and the oil lobby.

