CCS in the news 日本語版 2023年9月25日版(1)

CCS in the news 日本語版 2023年9月25日版(1)




原典:Energy Monitor Worldwide


英国北海移行局(North Sea Transition Authority)は、英国ノーフォーク(Norfolk)のターミナルから20km離れた、英国領北海の南部にある老朽化したHewettガス田のCO2評価・貯留ライセンスをEni UK社に付与した。







Eni awarded CO2 storage license for North Sea Hewett Field


Published: 19 September 2023

Source: Energy Monitor Worldwide

The North Sea Transition Authority has awarded Eni UK a CO2 appraisal and storage license for the depleted Hewett gas field in the southern UK North Sea, 20 km from the terminal in Norfolk.

The field offers potential CO2 storage capacity of about 300 MMt, Eni said, with potential to reuse part of the associated infrastructure.

Its proximity to the planned Bacton industrial cluster could allow Hewett to permanently store CO2 from industries in the southeast of England and Thames estuary area east of London, and to promote blue hydrogen production and distribution.





