CCS in the news 日本語版 2024年5月14日版(3)

CCS in the news 日本語版 2024年5月14日版(3)



原典:Carbon Capture Journal




Worley社の業務範囲は、三菱重工が関西電力株式会社と共同開発した独自のCO2回収技術であるAdvanced KM CDR Process™を利用して年間30万トンのCO2を回収するため、廃棄物発電施設向けに最適化されたCO2回収装置を設計することである。



Worley delivers pre-FEED services for Statkraft CCS


Published: 7 May 2025

Source: Carbon Capture Journal


Together with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Worley is one of three suppliers that have been selected for Statkraft’s CO2 capture facility in Trondheim, Norway.

Statkraft is currently evaluating its ongoing long term project with the possibility of maturing and later realising full scale CO2 capture at its waste incineration plant in Trondheim by 2030.

Worley’s scope is to design an optimised carbon capture unit for the waste to energy facility to capture 300,000 tonnes CO2 per annum using the Advanced KM CDR Process™ proprietary CO2 capture technology that MHI has developed together with The Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc.


