CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年6月28日版(2)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年6月28日版(2)

Doosan Enerbility社、タイの発電所にCO2削減技術を導入



原典:Energy Monitor Worldwide


Doosan Enerbility社は、アンモニア混焼及びCCUS技術の導入に向けた共同研究とレビュー(Joint Research and Review for the Introduction of Ammonia Co-firing and CCUS Technologies)に関する覚書(MOU)をタイの国営企業であるGPSC社と交わしたと、6月20日に発表した。タイ・ラヨーン(Rayong)にあるGheco-One発電所敷地内で行われた調印式には、Lim Sang-junタイ環境副大臣(Vice Minister of Environment)、GPSC社最高執行責任者(COO)のSirimet Leepagorn氏、及びDoosan Enerbility社マーケティング担当課長(Marketing Division Head)であるKim Jung -kwan氏が出席した。






Doosan Enerbility to Bring Carbon Reduction Technology in Thai Power Plant


Published: 21 June 2024

Source: Energy Monitor Worldwide


Doosan Enerbility announced on June 20 that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Joint Research and Review for the Introduction of Ammonia Co-firing and CCUS Technologies with Thailand’s state-owned enterprise GPSC. The signing ceremony, held at the Gheco-One power plant site in Rayong, Thailand, was attended by Vice Minister of Environment Lim Sang-jun, GPSC COO Sirimet Leepagorn, and Doosan Enerbility Marketing Division Head Kim Jung-kwan.

Through this MOU, the two companies will conduct joint research and feasibility studies until 2026 to apply these technologies to the Gheco-One power plant operated by GPSC.

If 20% ammonia co-firing is applied to the 700MW Gheco-One power plant, it is expected to reduce approximately 700,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually.

