CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年7月5日版(5)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年7月5日版(5)




原典:Korea Joongang Daily






船上CO2回収システム(Onboard Carbon Capture System:OCCS)として知られるこの新技術は、運航中に排出されるCO2を回収・液化し、大気中に放出しないようにするものである。


この技術を開発するため、HMM社は、昨年(2023年)4月Samsung Heavy Industries社、韓国船級協会(Korean Register)及び同じく韓国の環境保全型設備の製造会社であるPanasia社と調査合意書を締結した。


同海運会社は、CO回収技術が世界的関心事となる中、OCCSが国際海事機関(International Maritime Organization)に認められることを期待している。







Shipping firm HMM deploys new carbon capture system on vessels


Published: 02 July 2024

Source: Korea Joongang Daily


HMM, Korea’s largest container shipper, deployed new proprietary technology in the voyage of 2,200 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) container ships, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emitted during ship operations.


During the voyage, HMM will monitor the gas reduction and its impact on the vessels.


The new technology, known as the Onboard Carbon Capture System (OCCS), captures and liquefies carbon dioxide emitted during operations so that the gas is not released into the atmosphere.


To develop the technology, HMM signed a research agreement last April with Samsung Heavy Industries, the Korean Register and a domestic eco-friendly equipment manufacturer, Panasia.


The shipping firm expects that the OCCS will be recognized by International Maritime Organization amid global interest in carbon capture technology.


The move is part of HMM’s effort to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, along with ordering methanol-powered container ships, utilizing biofuels and improving hull efficiency and navigation technologies.



