CCS in the news 日本語版 2024年4月22日版(1)

CCS in the news 日本語版 2024年4月22日版(1)




原典:Carbon Capture Journal


Climeworks社は、数千トン規模のDACを調査するため、ノルウェー政府の気候環境省(Ministry of Climate and Environment)が所有する国営企業であるEnova社から220万スイス・フラン(2,600万ノルウェー・クローネ)の資金提供を獲得した。






Climeworks to study large-scale DAC+S deployment in Norway


Published: 10 April 2024

Source: Carbon Capture Journal


Climeworks has been awarded 2.2m CHF (26m NOK) in funding from Enova, the state enterprise owned by the Norwegian government’s Ministry of Climate and Environment, to study a multi-kiloton-capacity DAC.

Enova aims to help companies that want to capture large amounts of CO2 to get closer to an investment decision for capture plants, with the goal of operation by 2030.

Climeworks is one of nine projects awarded, whose combined targeted capture capacity totals 1.7m tons of CO2 per year.


