CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年6月18日版(2)

CCS in the News 日本語版 2024年6月18日版(2)




原典:Carbon Capture Journal




「世界が脱炭素化に向けて前進する中、DNV社は、CCUSイニシアティブの世界的な成功を確実にするため、CO2測定に不可欠な基準の確立を主導できることを誇りに思う。信頼できる指針、推奨慣行及び基準を策定するために産業界の利害関係者を招集することで、極めて重要な資産及びシステムの信頼できる運用を保証する」と、DNV社執行副社長兼北欧地域ダイレクター(Executive Vice President & Regional Director Northern Europe)のPrajeev Rasiah氏は説明した。

同調査は、EU排出量取引制度(EU Emissions Trading System:ETS)及び他の国際的な規制におけるCO2計測の準拠を実証するにあたってかなりのギャップがあることを明らかにし、次の2つの重要な課題を浮き彫りにした。

  1. 気相・液相・濃密相のCO2について、動的条件の下でCO2量を測定するための公認かつ追跡可能な基準の欠如
  2. 必要なプロセスの条件下で研究及び校正を行う流量実験室の欠如




DNV leads project to standardise CO2 flow metering


Published: 12 June 2024

Source: Carbon Capture Journal


A collaborative effort is seeking to establish standards for flow meter traceability along the CO2 value chain, for accurate CO2 measurement in advancing CCUS.


DNV launched a collaborative industry project in 2022 to conduct a thorough feasibility study on CO2 flow metering.

“As the world advances towards decarbonisation, DNV is proud to lead the establishment of essential standards for CO2 metering to ensure the global success of CCUS initiatives. By convening industry stakeholders to develop trusted guidelines, recommended practices, and standards, we ensure the reliable operation of critical assets and systems. ” explained Prajeev Rasiah, Executive Vice President & Regional Director Northern Europe, Energy Systems at DNV.

The study revealed significant gaps in demonstrating compliance with CO2 metrology for the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and other international regulations, and highlighted two significant challenges:

  1. The absence of an officially recognized and traceable standard for measuring CO2 volume under dynamic conditions for gas, liquid, and dense phase CO2.
  2. The lack of flow laboratories conducting research and calibrations under the necessary process conditions.

To address these challenges, DNV initiated CO2MET, a joint industry project that brings together equipment suppliers, major Transmission System Operators, and Exploration and Production companies, to establish traceable flow standards crucial for CCUS success.


