英国ノース・ヨークシャー(North Yorkshire)のセルビー(Selby)近郊にあるDrax発電所は、木質ペレットを燃焼して発電するバイオマス発電装置4基のうち2基に同技術を設置することが認められるようになる。
Government approves Drax Power Station carbon capture plans
Published: 18 January 2024
Source: BBC
Drax Power Station, located near Selby in North Yorkshire, will be allowed to install the technology in two of its four biomass units, which burn wood pellets to produce electricity.
Climate campaigners, however, have criticised continued government subsidies for Drax, saying unmitigated wood burning would continue at the site for several years until the technology is in place.
The power station said the new technology could remove around eight million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year when fully operational.