Unlocking Private Finance to Support CCS Investments
28th June 2021
One model aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, the International Energy Agency's Sustainable Development Scenario (IEA-SDS) requires 15% of the world’s emissions reductions to be achieved using CCS. The need for CCS in the IEA-SDS translates to a 100-fold increase in CCS capacity by 2050, for which this thought leadership report estimates the total capital requirement to be between US$655 bn and US$1,280 bn.
The report discusses the role of governments in creating an enabling investment environment for CCS and makes several recommendations for how to unlock private finance for projects.
The report examines:
- The potential for project finance to greatly accelerate investment in CCS capacity
- The application of green bonds to CCS projects in hard-to-abate sectors such as cement, fertilisers and chemicals
- The potential for climate finance to support CCS deployment in developing countries
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